Archive for September, 2007

I love clearance yarn

I ran away from home for a couple hours on Saturday after all the soccer games, and after the boys were tucked in for a nap. I had to check out the clearance at Hobby Lobby, and found some nice fuzzy blue yarn, I don’t remember the brand, but they were gemstone names. Can’t go wrong there. I bought 3 aquamarines, and 3 sapphires to make a soccer mom friend a baby blanket. She just found out she’s having her 3rd boy and I think she’s still depressed about it. I got the yarn for $1.41 a ball, and I think there’s only about 50 yards per ball. So, besides a granny square, I need to find a pattern for a baby blanket that would only use 300 yards. I’m thinking of that diagonal one.

Also, film has been dropped off from the big state fair haul, so pictures of my ribbons and the coordinating winners will be posted this week.

Pumpkin Cookies

Here’s the recipe for those of you who came over from The Loopy Ewe site…Don’t thank me, it’s all Betty, circa 1963, from a VERY OLD cookbook…

1 1/2 c packed brown sugar

1/2 c shortening

2 eggs

1 can pumpkin, not pumpkin pie, just the pumpkin

2 3/4 c flour

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp nutmeg

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp ginger

optional…1 c raisins, 1 c chopped pecans or walnuts

Mix wet ing. Add dry.  Last add raisins and nuts.  Drop by spoonfuls onto ungreased sheet.  Bake at 400 for 12 to 15 minutes, until lightly browned.

If any of you are on WW, the entire recipe calculates out to 66 points.  So, figure out how many cookies yours makes, and divide out.  I use one of those things from Pampered Chef that looks like a mini ice cream scooper, and I usually get about 45 cookies total.  Enjoy!!!

She is great!

The Yarn Harlot’s visit to Wichita yesterday was so so nice. She’s witty, funny, charming, and makes you feel not at all dorky for fawning all over her in gratitude for inspiring you to try to knit socks. Especially when after several attempts at socks, one of them takes a 2nd place ribbon at the Kansas State Fair! Wow. I wish I could have showed her the ribbon, but my hubby was at the fair picking up my stuff at the same time I was acting like an idiot in front of Stephanie. She surprised me by staying until EVERYONE who wanted to talk to her or get something signed was satisified. And watching her knit with that needle in her armpit was unbelievable. Now, I have to try that. More on the other fair ribbons when I can get the hubby to download the pictures for me.

No word yet…

The Kansas State Fair hasn’t posted the ribbon winners yet. Looks like I’ll have to wait until we get there next weekend.

Turns out I’m an idiot

Had to make the drive to Hutchison yesterday to drop off my entries for the Kansas State Fair.  We didn’t want to mail them in, since the fair people couldn’t find my enrty form.  Turns out the reason they couldn’t find my form was because I had printed out the wrong one.  My entries were under clothing and textiles, and I had done the fine arts one.  Oops.  Hopefully, they don’t mark off for stupidity.

September 2007
Need a Snow Day?
