Archive for May, 2010

It was a great day to dye

Here’s a couple of pictures from the dyeing party we had over the weekend.  It was really so much fun, and we all had a blast!

Julie’s garage totally smelled like wet sheep.  And beer.

Here’s what mine turned out like:

First I did this one, just with either 5 or 6 packets of grape kool-aid:

Next I tried some of my Wilton frosting dyes.  I started with delphinium blue, which made it look rather like faded demin.  I thought I wanted a little more color, so I mixed in some teal, and it turned out gorgeous!  This one I think is my favorite:

Next I wanted to try the Easter Egg dyeing tablets, so this happened:

I used 2 freezer bags, and put a tablet in each one, added a splash of vinegar to dissolve the tablet, then dipped the soaked yarn in; one end in each baggie.  I added a bunch more water, transferred both baggies into the same bowl, and nuked.

Lastly, I did this one, using the Wilton again.  I started with purple, then added some delphinium blue just to see what would happen.

I was in a bit of a purple mood.  One last picture of the event though: our dyeing supervisor, asleep on the job:

Uh, where’d the past week go?

I think I lost it.  Wouldn’t be the first time though.

What’s been keeping my busy the past couple hours:

My Chevron Cardigan – I’m trying to decide how long to make the sleeves.  I’m thinking  just a couple more rows.  I want shorter ones, but longer than, say, a t-shirt.  Forgot to mention too, that although the link is a Ravelry one, you don’t have to be a member of Rav to see it.  They started a new thing called “project sharing” which allows you to make your project page private or public.  Yay.  Very much cool.

While looking for more paper towels, which we did not find, Russell found the last bit of Beer Nut mix, brought down here by my dad at Christmas.  He promptly asked if he could finish it up, and after hearing the affirmative, he got right into decorating his PB.  He’s an artist, truly.  Thanks again for the mix, Dad.  And, by the way, we’re all out now.

Thanks, Christopher, for taking a nap while I was fixing your brother’s lunch.

Yes, another new hat for the baby

I’m thinking perhaps I may be in a rut…

For those of you wondering;

1. Yes, that’s a calorimetry I’m wearing.
2. Yes, I made the furry sweater too.
3. The blanket in the stroller is from the same brand of yarn as the sweater, but a different color, and my sister made it
4. Yes, I am nursing him in this picture.

and 5.  No, I don’t think either of the boys’ soccer teams won, but they had a ton of fun!

Magic Stripes yarn + Grandpa 60’s pattern = magic hat!

It fits all the boys!

Hat on Christopher, 2 1/2 months:

and on Russell, 6 years old:

And on Patrick, 8 years old:

Yes, it was very sunny, but also cold and windy.

And lastly, on a 12 year old:

Doesn’t this make you want to go knit one too?

Blue pants pictures, finally

OK, so it’s a working title.  I’ll probably think of something wittier.  Or not.

Remember a while back when I made those fallish pants for Christopher?

Almost immediately after putting them on him for the photo shoot, I had 2 thoughts:  I made the pants in a fallish color for fall, and apparently they fit him now.  My brain added those 2 things together and came to the conclusion that the fallish pants I meant for fall most likely wouldn’t fit him anymore when fall came around.

I cast on another pair, which although they also fit Chris now, I think there’s a better chance they’ll fit him later on as well.  And yesterday I finally remembered to take a few pictures of him in them!

He’s also sporting a shirt made by his big brother Russell:

In case you can’t read 6 year old writing on a onesie, it says:

I love


I (heart) like (heart) you

because (heart) he’s

a great (heart) brother

he’s (heart) cute

he (heart) smiles at me

All together now:  Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Stealth knitting

I whipped out this snake a few days ago after being invited to a 2 year old’s birthday party that I ended up not even being able to attend.

Luckily for me, the mom had decided to extend the party until I could come over, 2 days later.  It was sort of an open house sort of thing.  The snake turned out rather cute I think.  I tried to sew on sort of a smiley face.

I didn’t want to post this until I had given her little boy the present though.

More presents are in the works as well.  My hubby’s brother’s wife was kind enough to not only hunt down my short sleeved nursing shirts that I left down in FL when we moved up here, she also took her 2 girls out shopping for Christopher, and packed everything up and mailed it up to me.  Just in time too, cause I had a few long sleeved shirts here, but it was starting to get rather warm.  I have a thank you present started for her already and I have an idea for her 2 girls that still needs some straightening out.  I may be writing up a pattern, as I saw a hat that I thought was adorable, but then thought, they live in FL.  Not much use for warm winter hats down there.  Then I had the idea to turn it into a purse.  What little girl doesn’t love a purse?  Or boy for that matter, although they don’t call it that.  But mine always have to have some sort of bag to carry with them whenever we go somewhere in case they find any treasures.

I probably could get more done if I didn’t have all these demands on me, but those kids keep wanting to eat.  Dang it.

May 2010
Need a Snow Day?
