Archive for February 17th, 2008

Taking a break

No not from knitting, silly.  I’m taking a break from my usual Sunday for charity knitting to work on the baby blanket for Cindy.  I have to say I love the Swish yarn from Knitpicks.  It’s superwash wool and so very soft.  I am surprised.  Although I shouldn’t be.  There hasn’t been anything I’ve bought from there that I haven’t absolutely loved.

I’m using the 4 squares pattern that I also used for Coach Tony’s baby blanket last year.  But, even though I have 2 colors again, I only have 2 balls of each color, so I’m doing it pretty simple.  I’m just making the squares plain garter stitch, and the same colors will be on the diagonal from each other.  I toyed with the idea of doing a stripe of the other color somewhere on each square, but then I thought what if it ends up on the wrong side?  I’m just going on until I run out of yarn, then I’ll end the square and start on the next.  The pattern is very cool that way.  You start at the corner with 3 st, and keep increasing into the center st on every row.  You make 2 of those, then the other 2 squares you knit into one side of one square, do a k2tog in the center, and knit across the side of the other square.  Did that make any sense?  So, for 2 of the squares, you’re working from the outermost corner inwards, then the other 2 you’re working from the center outwards, doing a decrease in the center of every row.  It’s very nice mindless knitting.  I use a stitch marker for the center, although that’s not even necessary if you pay attention you can see where on the previous row you did the kf&b and do the increase right there.

I just finished one square, and the shower is next Sunday.  I hope to have it done by Friday so I can have Saturday to wash it and let it dry.

Not much work on the angora (sweater).  Or the socks (bamboo).  Or the other socks (memorial).  Or the other socks (Kristi’s Hawaiian).  Or the other socks (snowflake).   And that’s only the ones using size 2’s.

I’m going to try to go to the Knitting in the Heartland coming up here in April, I think.  There was a nice lady on Ravelry who was asking if I was going, and I was already toying with the idea, so now I think I will.  I have to ask for clarification though about the fee.  The application is a little confusing for me.  I think there’s a registration fee, but do you have to register only if you’re taking the classes?  What if you just want to go in there to spend money at the vendor’s tables?  I’ll have to find out.  That’s $25 I could use on yarn…

February 2008
Need a Snow Day?
